A Healing God? ~ Part B

There is an impassioned plea to be made for the God who raises the dead, heals the sick and conquers evil - HE STILL DOES THIS!

Yet too many Christians languish in disbelief, framed in their minds that God's heart is for them to suffer. Powerless in their pain they intellectually absolve God, impotent to gain relief or regain health.

Do you recall previous SoulSnacks that address the two origins of information? All knowledge is sourced from either the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of good an evil.

The false doctrine of cessationism (see yesterday's SoulSnack too) can be dated accurately to the Reformers of over five centuries ago and even some Early Church Fathers such as John Chrysostom. It is the rotten fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.

Three points to recall:

1) Remember the strengthening hold (stranglehold today) the Tree of Knowledge gained across the world and especially Christendom since the enlightenment and the printing press?

Human knowledge will discount or dismiss divine knowledge

2) Remember the Two Trees in Eden? The Tree of Knowledge denies the Tree of Life, so claiming God no longer heals. His arm is now decidedly short - the impossible no longer happens. BUT -

The Tree of Life to this day remains the tree that gives life, not ill-health nor does it take life away.

3) Remember it was from the Tree of Knowledge that death came into the world. It is the headwater of evil and the font from which sickness flows.

In the contest for the conquest of man's heart the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil will always deny the truths of the Tree of Life. It then proffers its own deceitfully impotent alternate solutions - e.g. the belief in the all-sufficiency of science for healing.

Human medicine has as much to offer mankind as it doesn't. It is still finite and countless ill people require alone the cures of heaven. The wealth of earth's healing knowledge is too limited and too polluted with distrust and disbelief in the Almighty.

God has not suspended the work of His healing Holy Spirit's gifts. These are lies from the evil one, convincing too many that God has rested from His miraculous works.

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. (John 14:12)

Jesus did not lie in this above verse as He equipped His disciples within His final hours. It was true two thousand years ago and is not weakened to this very day.

Truth does not decay - Jesus' hands still belong to the great physician.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil has padlocked mans' heart and mind." ~ Michael Cartwright

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##ENJOY a similar previous SoulSnack series - Suffering's Chalice