A Slice of Heaven

"If it doesn't taste good, it doesn't go on the menu". ~ Heston Blumenthal

I am not a chef, I am a consumer. I do not know how to write a menu, but as a consumer I do appreciate that choice and taste is at the heart of menus.

In dwelling upon the Bible you choose the menu that has descended from heaven. It has a vast array of diets and foods. All ONLY tasting good to you.

It is a feast offering the richest of fare.

Daily the Bible is your diet, your slice of heaven. It is also your tools and then your GPS (God's Positioning System).

There is no true competitor, no greater living and no wiser counsel.

Scripture is your engine for each day, your fail-safe equipment for any falls and your lamp until heaven.

The Bible is your roadmap to righteousness.

Eat of its fruit, drink from its wells and slice into its meats, that your day may be strong and your tomorrows long!

I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread. (Job 23:12b)

There is no other menu that contains the sweet food for eternal life.

Fast from it to your detriment, but dine on it daily to your immeasurable betterment.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Jesus turns burdens into blessings and brokenness into beauty.

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