God's Journeymen

Believers travel an unfamiliar path. They move as journeymen, competent but not masters in the ways of holiness. This path is trodden by gentle and steadfast people. 

As with Jeremiah these travellers may too be acquainted with despair. Loneliness may be their nearest friend; even counted as unworthy for this world.

These journeymen have chosen holiness as the oasis in life's deserts. They may well belong to the tribe of the lost, the least, the last and the lonely.

Rocky outcrops, and rolling ranges are seen across this Highway's shoulders. These are homes to wild marauders and the dwellings of bandits.

As the meek tread forward on their march to holiness, attacks are mounted. Wolves race from within forests, gums flared and eyes alight. They growl threats between their teeth.

Monstrous erect bears too block the passageway of holiness. They raise terrifying claws.

Strong-shouldered, determined lions stand immovable in front of all these threatening beasts to stare fear into the weakened travellers.

Such enemies always post sentinels on this highway constantly scanning for God's new journeymen, the fresh prey. They know fully that many who chose the most difficult path of all, the Highway of Holiness, are war-torn. This path is often trekked by vulnerable, sick or vagrant pilgrims. They are easy targets for strong enemies. These journeymen are too alone, isolated - no crowd to protect them.

Yet each journeyman continues to seek the The Gates of Righteousness, their thirst for the Crown of Life does not wane - nor does their desire to live only for an audience of One. This is their steadfastness. 

Meanwhile others too journey upon this path. These are far stronger and confident. They do not travel alone, but in congregations. Throngs that constantly raise their hearts and voices in joy to Heaven, to the one they love. This makes the King exceptionally happy, but still does not distract His eyes from the lost, the least, the last and the lonely travelling elsewhere on the same road.

Many long-term believers are already travelling this Highway, but others He still seeks (and He always will).

To all the steadfast who refuse to leave the path of Holiness, who choose to continue past the deadly enemies and walk through the Valley of Death, His rod and His staff are held out to support them.

There is no threat that God fears. He will confront the power of their enemies (who are also His foes) by setting a table of the finest fare to fortify His pilgrims.

Their comfort, their protection He will be.

The journeyman's enemies are muted before a second roar can be mustered, for these have firmly refused to leave the Highway of Holiness.

Be holy for I am holy. (Leviticus 11:44)

'Holiness in the seed shall have happiness in the harvest'. ~ Thomas Adams

Today's Soul Snippet:

'The true secret of spiritual strength is self-distrust and deep humility.' ~ J.C. Ryle

ENJOY too ~ The Unfamiliar Way

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