Come Near To God.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. (Psalm 34:7)

Mankind's pursuit of satisfaction is without end.

It is through devotion and through suffering that a disciple will not cease growth in His Lord, nor does he want to. 

God has to sometimes put us on our backs in order to get us to look up. ~ anon

Find the Lord, don't flee Him; it is impossible to have too much of Him.

No disciple can overdose on the Lord.

What the Lord gives always satisfies, it never injures. It gently, not demandingly invites the disciple to return for more,

The thirsts of a man for the Lord are pure.

The choice of Him as his refuge means his second state will never become worse than the first.

The Lord's pleasure becomes his pleasure.

The Lord charges no fee for His love, comfort, protection and surgery to the soul. His doors never close, and He is always available to listen.

Taste Him, savor these truths, and know that He is good. 

Come near to God and He will come near to you. (James 4:8a)

The good Lord invites each disciple, each day:

Please - devote yourself to come close to Me.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Jesus did not sin so He could understand our life, but rather did not sin so we could understand true life.' ~ Michael Cartwright

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