Not On God's Radar

Performance reviews are now de rigeur in industry, and most professional occupations. It is a fashionable but tiresome measure of a person's value taught by the Tree of Knowledge. Harm, help or rewards are its discernible fruits.

Of course, my value to my Lord is contrary.

My value to my Lord is found in my presence with Him, and not my performance for Him. (If my performance was important to God He would never seek my praise. This voice holds a humbling ability to empty any room - yet, still He loves my voice raised to Him.)

Consider for a moment the real hub of any human performance review should I meet success and gain favor:

are not my achievements simply the Lord crowning His glory, His abilities He passed on to me?

God is not much interested in what I can or can't do, but He does mightily care for where He lies in my heart.

A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart. (Proverbs 21:2)

The performance of my body is not on God's radar, but the praise of my heart is.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Faith is my compass to life, while pride is my biggest enemy. Faith is both instructive and protective, while pride is both instructive and destructive".

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