Skimming Grace ~ A ... 'The Noble Emperor'

Soul Snack 96/14 ... With surprisingly stoic overtones about 170 AD Rome's emperor penned an uncommon decency:

"The more a man submits himself to be deprived the more he grows in goodness." ~ Marcus Aurelius

The stirrings of a noble heart will always command a better outcome for another. A noble heart commends itself to followers and spells goodness - for that is the nature of nobility.

The noble heart seeks a higher purpose. It has an eternally superior value to the pursuit of personal programmes, positions and penchants.

The noble heart looks with benevolent eyes of grace. It will refuse to walk in the footsteps of self-interest first.

The noble heart finishes after others fail. It consciously knows that pain and privation are not  legitimate impediments to achievement for others. Surely Marcus Aurelius was correct?

Two meters above the ground, two millennia ago, the noblest human heart was thrust high for all to view (and abuse). His flesh was broken by coarse nails and a spear. His heart was pierced by derision - BUT His few words were saturated in the noble grace to forgive.

Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.' (Luke 23:34)

Finally He released His war-torn spirit into the tear-torn grasp of the Almighty Father...

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last." (Luke 23:46)

A noble heart is always the inner signpost of grace. It is the compass directing the outer road to walk. This heart will never be seen by man, for that is the nature of nobility.

Today’s Soul Snippet:
Wisdom is absent from the seeking of my will, but present in the seeking of His will.

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