God had and has the habit of singling men out. For this purpose He uses anointing. It is His empowering and witness to His chosen ones.

He instructed the prophet Samuel to take a horn of oil and travel to the city of Bethlehem. At the house of Jesse he would anoint the next king of Israel.

Later Zadok the priest took a ram's horn full of oil and anointed Solomon king of Israel.

Prophets and priests were anointed with olive oil to minister in the service of God.

But what was it that was so special about the anointing with olive oil?

Olive oil was used as an energy source for lamps. It served to cleanse the body, and was staple to the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil contained many powerful health benefits. And, also provided an indicator of wealth.

God chose olive oil to be the symbol of His anointing because it typified the work of the Holy Spirit, who illuminates and empowers; bringing light, warmth, healing, cleansing, purity, and holiness. These are the good things that God offers to every person who seeks after Him.

Olive oil is a beautiful representation of the Holy Spirit.

Smear some olive oil on and see how it clings to you. It does not come off easily. Pour some on your hands, it feels smooth and reduces friction. Olive oil softens the skin and hair, it makes them shine.

Olive oil creates light where there is darkness. And it marries well with countless types of food, also providing many powerful health benefits.

What a suitable substance to parallel the Holy Spirit‘s anointing and relationship with His people; clinging, abiding, softening, healing, friction reducing and as we know today, healthy. 

In the Gospel of John Jesus taught - “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (a comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener, and standby), to be with you forever"… The beautiful oil of God. 

The Holy Spirit enhances believers inside and out. He is nothing but good for you. There is nothing superior to God‘s anointing.

Be daily filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 5:17c)

As with olive oil taste Him, invite Him daily into your life, and you'll know evermore that our Lord is very good.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'There is a gulf to cross between reason and revelation.' ~ Frank Bartleman

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#Reproduced and edited with permission from Bible History Online