The Bite of Satan ~ B

Soul Snack 137/14 ... The Lord God commanded the man, you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…..she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it" (Genesis 2:16 & 3:6b)

It is always God's intentions to protect. (This is what father's do.) He speaks wise words to shield an innocent and simple Adam, naked in a pure Eden.

But this perfect Eden is under attack. It is to be fought for, not lost (somehow Adam missed this fact). Only the persistent poison of distrust can penetrate the safe canopy of God's words.

A mute Adam and a gullible Eve had given satan a foothold in Eden. In blind co-operation they both extend their forearms and pluck the forbidden fruit. The fangs descend, painlessly the venom arrives.

Who could believe this? Eden invaded by evil!

How deadly dangerous this venom of distrust in God's Word truly is!

Gardens are a sanctuary for snakes with abundant food, shelter & warmth. Unseen in the foliage, they deliver their poison with precision.

It is so difficult to see venom injected into the ears, especially when life's foliage abounds and distracts. 

Yet this is how satan still operates; a small and gentle persuasive voice of distrust amidst the pleasures of life.

NOTE: It is only ONE dalliance with the devil that spread sufficient poison to infect the entire history of the world. Not a bad strike rate from a very brief chat between a gullible female, an acquiescing male - plus one snake. A minute effort by satan for a monumental eternal result.

Poured poison still seeps within all our souls. It is the drive away from The Father to trust our own judgements, ignore His words.

Yet God still speaks the same powerful words of protection. His intentions have not changed.

He who has an ear, let him hear:

Do not give satan a foothold." (Ephesians 4:27)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"The desire for safety stands against every noble human endeavour." ~ Tacitus

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