Treasured Grace#

Nails and the crown of thorns are a clear reality that screams G.R.A.C.E. They are best held close to the trusting heart.

In the morning will I direct my prayer unto You, and will look up.

"Look up!" ~ Here is the true and befitting attitude of the spiritual soul. Looking up for the day's supply of grace to restrain, of power to keep, of wisdom to guide, of patience to suffer, of meekness to endure, of strength to bear, of faith to overcome, of love to obey, and of hope to cheer.

Jesus now stands at the Treasury of Infinite Grace, ready to meet every application, and to supply every need. His fullness is for a poor, needy, asking people. He loves for us to bring the empty vessel. Oh, to have our "morning thoughts" occupied with grace from God the Father, and Christ the Son, and His Holy Spirit, and heaven! Truly this is the most gracious border which keeps the web of daily life from unraveling!

Dear reader, let your first thought be of God, and your first incense be to Jesus, and your first prayer be to the Holy Spirit, and thus anointed with fresh oil, you will glide serenely and safely through the day, beginning, continuing, and ending it with God. ~ Octavius Winslow.#

"My voice shall You hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto You, and will look up." (Psalm 5:3)

The most natural and daily posture of our gracious Messiah is not a pointed finger but open arms. ~ Anon

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Devotion is only real when unfaithfulness is possible". ~ anon

#Octavius Winslow (1808 -1878) was a leading and popular American preacher who was a contemporary of both Bishop J.C. Ryle and Charles Spurgeon.