The Valley of Humiliation#

After every time of exaltation, we are brought down with a sudden rush into things as they really are, where it is neither beautiful, poetic, nor thrilling.

The height of the mountaintop is measured by the dismal drudgery of the valley...

but it is in the valley that we have to live for the glory of God.

We see His glory on the mountain, but we never live for His glory there. It is in the place of humiliation that we find our true heart towards God — that is where our faithfulness is revealed.

Faithfulness is only possible when unfaithfulness is available.

Most of us can do things if we are always at some heroic level of intensity, simply because of the natural intent within our own hearts for glory. But God draws us to be at the drab everyday level, where we live in the valley according to our personal relationship with Him.

Peter thought it would be a wonderful thing for them to remain on the mountain, but Jesus Christ took the disciples down from the mountain and into the valley, where the true meaning of the transfiguration was explained (see Mark 9:5-6Mark 9:14-23).

“If you can do anything…”, it takes the valley of humiliation to remove the skepticism from us. Look back at your own experience and you will find that until you learned who Jesus really was, you were a skillful skeptic about His power.

When you were on the mountaintop you could believe anything, but what about when you were faced with the facts of the valley?

You may be able to give a testimony regarding your sanctification, but what about the thing that is a humiliation to you right now?

The last time you were on the mountain with God, you saw that all the power in heaven and on earth belonged to Jesus — will you be skeptical of His power now, simply because you are in the valley of humiliation?#

Rejoice in the valley of humiliation for there you learn the true and vulnerable faith content of your heart; content it has kept hidden for ages - even from you.

It is only in the valleys will I decide my faith in the Lord is stronger than my pride in me. It is only then I seek no treaty with self.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Humility is becoming what you have despised and discovering that you were wrong.' ~ Michael Cartwright

#Today's SoulSnack was penned by Oswald Chambers, with light SoulSupply edits.

Enjoy too - The Valley of Decision, The Valley of Sifting and The Beautiful Valley of the Soul

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