Trending Thought#

Each man is formed by what informs him. His flow in thought casts sun or shadows across his days.

We admire the upbeat thinker - those who see the possibilities in situations, the dreamer - those who step where no man has trod, and the tenacious - those who just keep on keeping on.

We admire too the happy person, the person who seeks God and encourages others forward in faith. This person is worth looking up to, indeed copying.

Perhaps this person is you. If it is – keep it up – you are what makes your space and place bright.


Are your thoughts travelling downhill? Do they scheme against others and you? Do you hate seeing others being successful and lament being overlooked? If these are your thoughts, then your actions will too likely follow. Thus you become petulant and acerbic, a sad person who watches from the sideline as their own potential wastes away.

Thinking trends as water flows, it is so easy to head downhill.

As a man thinks - he is.

Only speak to yourself as you would speak to someone you love.#

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. (Psalm 139:14)

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God and a scourge to satan'. ~ John Bunyan

#Today's SoulSnack is reproduced with gracious permission from Dr Stuart Quarmby. It contains SoulSupply edits.

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