Traveling the paths of God's commands

The wise will unerringly pursue freedom - they just follow the Lord.

Every time you greet the 'T' intersections of decision choose for obedience, your faith will be honored:

  • Our Lord holds for the obedient far more than we can ever imagine, no matter how wild our thinking...

Just follow the Lord

  • The nights of darkness, those troubling ventures into the unknown and unseen calls of faith, are not to be despised...

Just follow the Lord

  • When despair floods and energy fails, those who live by faith will again be warmed by the noonday sun...

Just follow the Lord

  • If the enemy is victor and the spirit is flattened...

Just follow the Lord

  • Should life present no threats and peace flows like a river within, the Lord may be forgotten - still... 

Just follow the Lord

...blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. (Psalm 144:15b)

Trust without compromise those nail-pierced hands and feet.

Just follow the Lord because:

He has passed through our troubled earth and paved the path so you can too.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Blessed are the single hearted, for they shall enjoy much peaceā€¦ If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace'. ~ Amy Carmichael