Of Zion & Babylon

Soul Snack 119/13 ... Of Zion & Babylon

For those Jesus has chosen out of this world - to those who have been appointed to eternal life, never expect the approval or affirmation of this world; Babylon will always reject aliens. You do not belong to this world, your birthplace and home is the city of God - Zion. This world simply continues as a haunt for every evil spirit and all that is unclean.

Satan remains briefly the prince of this world; hence those born not of his world can expect his inspired  replies delivered by flesh. These attacks and assaults are the fertile satanic seeds from within those who choose disobedience.

Expect disdain and anticipate disapproval, be not surprised when Babylon's values collide with Zion's. Indeed - welcome the proud and sinful Babylonian responses from those who accuse and burden, malign your name and betray your body.

Smile when you are attacked; even rejoice when you are downtrodden, for this is proof positive your name is written in the Book of Life - that you belong in Zion.

... AND DON'T FORGET in the end the good guys win, for in a day Babylon will be destroyed but you shall stroll Zion's golden pavements forever.

The Lord will write in the register of His peoples; "This one was born in Zion." (Ps 87:6)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Teach me your way O Lord and I will walk in your truth." (Ps 86:7)

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