Seeking Peter's permission?

Soul Snack 156/13 ... Seeking Peter's permission?

We rarely permit ourselves to feel discomfort - this is the spirit of the age. We play it safe.

“Come,” Jesus said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. (Matt 14:29)

When the Apostle Peter stepped out of a storm swept boat, he faced an apparition. Comfort was not stirred and faith was not deterred by frozen feet, drenched clothing and eyes bathed with salt spray. Peter's faith accepted Jesus' impossible appeal. Faith feared no ghost and disregarded the fact he now walked without any visible means of support, upon the Sea of Galilee.

Comfort and faith are enemies, but faith is the reset button to focus each life well again.

Aim each day to live in front of Jesus' extended arm and under His smile, BUT be warned - a step of faith does not marry with safety, self-seeking or the chasing of the future.

What else is there that can ever count as a life lived well, save to be found walking to Jesus?

The scaffolds of living, the pride of the mind and the envies of the heart are all naught when compared to longing for a cave or bellowing over sodden gunwales to Peter... can I come too?

Today's Soul Snippet:

Jesus' tomb is empty so you don't have to be.

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