Suffering's Chalice ~ G ... Postcript

Soul Snack 117/14 ... Concealed in a pre-dawn human history, before a time any man could number, Job almost drowned in the chalice of suffering. A dramatic transaction had unfolded within the heavens that ripped Job's life to shreds. (See Job 1 & 2)

In a subsequent, almost fruitless dialogue between Job and God (preceded by the horrendous counsel of his critical brothers) Job still received no clear explanation to suffering. Job could not read Chapters 1-2 of his biography. There the drama of his life is cast upon an irreconcilable cosmic conspiracy between God and satan. Job fails in his questioning of God as much as satan appears successful.

God does not give righteous Job answers.

So this humble reflection the wise may learn;

... as an aide that if you are talking with someone who is suffering, that if God didn’t explain to Job why it was happening we also could follow his leading and not give explanations. - Sheridan Voysey

Yet dare I be so bold (foolish?) and step briefly aside from Voysey's wisdom at this point?

Could the absence of explanation for pain even indicate God's unchangeable intent to hold no competitors to Himself?

We can even ignore pleasure, but pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to a deaf world. ~ C.S.Lewis

Could suffering be a life-imprinted invitation to wrestle with God, for God is too easy to ignore upon the still waters of life?

Today's Soul Snippet:

Suffering is God's entry point to a now open heart.

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