The Valley of Confession

No pedigree graces this Antipodean life.

Unlike the apostle Paul I claim no fine breeding, superior scholarship or advance in career. BUT - as with Paul:

God set me apart from birth and called me by His grace. (Galatians 1:15)

  • I know sin too deeply and righteousness too lightly.
  • I have sat when I should have stood and remained silent when I should have spoken.
  • I have been critical when ears ached for generosity and proud when humility would have encouraged.
  • I dwell in a cave and not a castle.

The things of this earth have become no more acceptable to me than I am to it; so I now speak not from any personal power but from much weakness, yet I still can hold a whisper.

What tears flow from our Lord's eyes at the increase of wickedness, and the acquiescence of His disciples while satan's deceits prosper? Evil is honored and Jesus' righteous truths flow in an unseen red upon the streets.

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator... (Romans 1:24-25)

If Jesus be the Christ, truly the Lord of heaven and earth, the only Son of God who ransomed you and I from our sins and rose from the dead; if our lives are not our own and we have surely been bought at price - I must then ask from simply terror:

Who will grow hoarse, to give righteousness a voice and plead to this wicked western world soaked in the lies of hell that - 'JESUS IS LORD, listen now to Him before you must bend the knee to Him? He is not dead, He is alive, accept His grace now for He comes soon to judge its wickedness, destroy evil, and separate all into two peoples, one to judgement - the other to life eternal.

The day is upon each who confess Christ as Lord - we are in the Valley of Confession to be strong and not shrink back, to pray and persevere on our knees, to speak up in loving righteousness and not be silent.

Today's Soul Snippet:

 "Jesus will never be as harsh on me as I am on me." Michael Cartwright