7 Ways to Reverse God's Armour#

Of what mortal use is an armour worn backwards? This is no fine preparation for battle.

What possible increase in protection could be gained from securing a breastplate to the spine, gripping a shield upside down, or what foolishness is there holding a sword by its blade?

To the willing recipient or the naive sufferer, satan lifts the formidable armour of God from the believer by reversing its operations when:

  • we secure a belt of lies (not truth) around our waist (e.g - we are worthless)
  • we don the breastplate of sin (not righteousness) for this is the end result of the lies we hold. We think we find protection and comfort in pursuing sin (e.g. - heavy drinking/spending etc to mask pain)
  • our feet are shod with readiness for war, in the self-protective fault-finding of another's speech or action towards us. Consequently our feet are not ready for the gospel that finds peace
  • the shield of faith is dropped as we neglect to act in faith (e.g. forgive), so we become more vulnerable to satan's flaming darts. (E.g. - he will offer a heart inflaming resentment and then vengeance as the subsequent steps in unforgiveness.)
  • in dropping the shield of faith we reel from satan's fiery darts and so the helmet of salvation wobbles, worse still may even fall, 
  • the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God - the weapon satan is most vulnerable too slips from the grip, never lifted - AND the struggle is lost because the Bible gathers only dust. And finally
  • when fallen in battle, exhausted from the onslaught - prayer no longer erects its protective canopy, as it becomes as disused as God's Word.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of theSpirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17)

Don't forget it all began by securing lies around the waist...

Today's Soul Snippet:

"There can be no cheap devotion for then it is not devotion."
#Today's SoulSnack is based on Ephesians 6:10-18

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