Diffusing Yesterday's Time Bombs ~ A

Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks. ~ anon

Seasons arrive when thoughts draw backwards and the past refuses to be released.

The longings and belongings of yesterday re-appear afresh to linger in the present and to taunt tomorrow. Rising from the hollow recesses of the soul they still demand today's attention. Malevolently the past draws towards the maudlin. The soul captured by yesterday debilitates the body today.

Pains from the past can cripple the present and destroy the future.

In fact, from within the fields of the past are found the painfully fertile seeds intent on strangling tomorrow.

Haunted memories dwelt upon in the now, rob today's health and pierce future promise.

It is satan's will to keep reminding you of yesterday's wounds, and ploughing your history into your present.

Next time satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.

Release the past to the Throne of Grace before it takes you from the Throne of Grace.

(Satan knows God has a good future and wonderful plans for you, he will attempt to take them from you.)

With Jesus, the wrongs of yesterday need not rule your today, nor become your constraints of tomorrow.

If you look backwards, at best you can only get a sore neck. ~anon

"Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past." (Isaiah 43:18)

In prayer diffuse yesterday's time-bombs and make your history - history!

O Lord - thankyou that I no longer have to live in yesterday, there are so many things that still entangle me. Please take from me now ......................................... (name these things in the prayer now). AMEN

(This is a prayer that may need to be repeated, until all is finally released.)

Today's Soul Snippet:

Out of your deepest pain arises your highest purpose.

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