God's Oscars#

Annually a vast amount of awards circulate the globe. Red carpets are laid out, only an elegant few are invited to walk them. Lavish ceremonies, glamorous celebrities all usher those 'hold-your-breath moments' to the world's TV screens.

If God gave out awards what would they be for? Surely He is different?

We recognize what we see. Excellence, skill, results. It's good, but it's not everything.

The good Lord rewards what we don't see. He watches the events when no one is there to photograph them or applaud an act of grace. He sees and hears all that is done in secret.

You know those times. The moments of hard forgiveness, of selfless sacrifice, or of crying out in tears that flood as you navigate your own Gethsemane. It's the path of discipleship that God calls all of us on. It's surrender of self and it calls for everything.

But the joy is that, in time, in the Lord's perfectly correct time, He will move His hand and openly reward. It will be your own Oscar moment, and it will be worth far more than ever it cost.#


Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone, for whatever good he does whether he is slave or free. (Ephesians 6:8-9)

Today's Soul Snippet:

There is no reason to be given for mercy, but mercy. ~ Ralph Venning

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 # Today's SoulSnack was penned under the title 'If God gave rewards' by Tania Harris, and is reproduced with SoulSupply edits.