How can I know when Jesus knocks?

As gales scuttle a ship so too life's gales sink a soul.

Storm blown paths, fiery cobble stones and too many chilling mountain-tops have finally taught me:

the more I lose of myself the more I gain of Jesus. This is good!

The pressure of pain is like that - it creates more room in me for Jesus to enter; the world entices far less.

Troubles create that vacancy within, and the wise take down the NO VACANCY sign to Jesus.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. (Revelation 3:20)

Are not life's distresses Jesus' knocking? 

Are not the deepest, the most desperate agonies His loudest knocks?

Life's problems test me. Do I draw to the Throne of Grace or flee it? They become the divinely fuelled temptations to heed Jesus' tapping, and open my heart's door.

Many decades ago when I did not know 'troubled ' or 'weary' I belted this song out in Sunday School. I still sing (when none are around) it today.

Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus,
Come into my heart, I pray;
My soul is so troubled and weary,
Come into my heart, today. (Harvey Dudley Clarke ~ 1888 - 1957)

Too often it is from only enduring distress that men will approach Heaven's gates. But you can trust that Heaven has long been knocking at their door. 

Today's Soul Snippet:

Recall the humbling days of weariness when the season of strength returns.

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