I'd Rather See a Sermon...

Soul Snack 175/14 ...

I'd rather see a sermon
 than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me
than merely tell the way.
The eye's a better pupil
and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing,
but examples always clear;
And the best of all preachers
are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action
is what everybody needs.
I soon can learn to do it
if you'll let me see it done;
I can watch your hands in action,
but your tongue too fast may run.
And the lecture you deliver
may be very wise and true,
But I'd rather get my lessons
by observing what you do;
For I might misunderstand you
and the high advice you give,
But there's no misunderstanding
how you act and how you live. (Anonymous)

The intersection of words and work has caused more crashes in life than any level crossing, or treacherous mountain road.

Words ring with a hollow echo when hypocrisy is noted.

Words only whisper while actions can loudly wail.

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. (James 3:13)

The humble and the wise:

walk the talk.

My clearest speech is when the Bible that is rich in me  is wearing its boots.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Searching for rest is the thief of rest.

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