God's Most Wanted - A

Soul Snack 145/12 ... God's Most Wanted - A

Are you member of a massive worldwide tribe characterised as the lost, the least, the last and the lonely -

  • does each single day find you in tears,
  • does each single night leave you without rest,
  • does harmony elude you as happiness escapes you?

It is the rejected who escape the ravages of Egypt and the corruptions of Babylon; for Egypt only enslaves the strong and Babylon only seduces those it can profit from.

The lost, the least, the last and the lonely are not drawn into this fleeting world but they are drawn to be close to the eternal Lord.

The rejected Son of Man had to be lifted up so the rejected sons of men could rise up.

For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost (Lk 19:10)

Today's Soul Snippet:

Those who hope in the Lord will not be disappointed - Is 49:23d