His love

Soul Snack S8/12 ... His Love

For those feeling rotten, rejected and removed from good,

For those where love is absent, accusation is present and the future dark,

For those whose heads hang and their eyes fill,

For those with a stooped back and a fragile heart ... enJOY His Love -


When I think of the love that flows
I know I’m truly blessed
I might not ever know the joy
Of fancy houses, cars and the rest

One thing is certain and without a doubt
One thing I’ll never wonder
Is the fact that I’m loved beyond measure
And that for me HIS mercy and grace will thunder

My heart soars with gratitude
For the gifts of grace, love and peace
The unspeakable joy that lives there
Is because I know HIS love will never cease
(Marie Wikle)

 ... I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. (Jer 31:3)

Reproduced with kind permission from Marie - find this poem on-line at SpreadingJOY

Today's Soul Snippet:

"I don't have to be anyone special to be extremely special in God's eyes." Marie Wikle