Private Love

Soul Snack 187/11 ... Private Love

There is healing in love. All souls need love and almost all need healing to various degrees.

If a child is raised with the following inputs they will approach adulthood well. If any of these inputs are absent they will approach adulthood with varying depths of emotional deficits.

Love is expressed functionally across all lives as:

  • Approval, (Ps 17:8)
  • Affection, (Zeph. 3:17)
  • Acceptance (Isaiah 41:9b-10) and finally
  • Advocacy. (1 John 2:1)

All these (and so much more) are found in Jesus (please look up the bracketted verses).

When Jesus is known personally His healing love can arrive privately.

Sit with Him in solitude and healing things can happen.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)

Today's Soul Snippet:

Faith is Jesus' lubricant for a creaky soul that will carry me into and through tomorrow.