Upfront outback!

Soul Snack 174/12 ... Upfront outback!

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matt 24:14)

Why doesn't our Father in heaven end the world's suffering NOW by simply sending Jesus back? Why is He still holding out?

Four decades ago a young man drove long distances through the Australian outback - the countryside was arid, unwelcoming and a vast void (it still is) - his mind wasn't! This youthful and energetic brain searched and prayed as he sweated across those massive distances. Undaunted by this super-heated solitude, unfazed by the copious red bull-dust and unwearied in prayer he questioned God with this ubiquitous reflection - why don't you end all the suffering and just send Jesus back?

He recalled his Sunday school teacher's instructions as they'd opened the Bible, teaching that the God of Heaven chooses, elects and draws His own to Him. He pondered that God knew who He would choose since before creation (see 2 Tim 2:9) and that some were still yet to be born.

Then as if only an instant had passed this pimple-faced driver heard God speak - God was upfront outback to him ... which sons would you choose to loose?

Today's Soul Snippet:

The destination is worth the difficulty of the journey.