Out of Sight is 'Success'!

'The highest branch is not the safest root.' ~ anon

The hearts of men beat tainted and stained by the irrepressible desire for glory. Pride was the first pre-dawn calamity. Glory hunting is not new.

The true plumb line of success is in that genuine joy and capacity to encourage and celebrate the achievements of others. (Without mentioning yours at all.)

A trophy on the shelf collects dust, but winning words spoken to another are crowns in a heart that will collect many mates.

Personal success is best measured less by what you have achieved, and more by what you have overcome.#

He holds success in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose way of life is blameless. (Proverbs 2:7)

Today's Soul Snippet:

'True repentance takes God's part against ourselves.' ~ Augustus Strong

#Today's SoulSnack was a thoughtful subscriber's response to our last SoulSnack 'God Never Gives A 1st Prize'.