A Very Tricky Artwork

British Painter William Holman Hunt once painted a magnificent portrait now hanging in St. Paul’s Cathedral, entitled - The Light of the World.

This is a portrait representing Christ standing at the door of our heart, knocking and waiting for entrance.

The story is told that when Hunt finished the painting, he displayed it for the critics.

As the masterful artist unveiled his painting, he stepped back to await evaluation.

As if struck in the face, the artist grimaced while one of the critics began to laugh loudly. The critic then began to whisper to all those standing around, and finally replied to Hunt:

“You have made an obvious, but grave mistake! It seems that someone with your intelligence would have remembered to put a knob on the door. I can’t believe you would forget!”

“It’s there,” Hunt replied. “You are not able to see the door knob, for it is on the inside of the door.”

Today, if we look at the painting, we will notice that there is still no door knob on the outside of the door. The idea being that in order for Jesus to enter the door of our heart, we ourselves will have to willingly turn the knob on the inside of the door in order to welcome Him in, because He doesn’t force His way into anyone’s heart [life].

The only question remaining is, “Are we willing to hear the voice of Jesus, and open the door of our heart in obedience to Him?” (#An unknown author penned these thoughts above.)

While I am in the world, I am the Light of the World. (John 9:5)

Jesus died for relationship with us. He has dispensed with the hollowness of ritual through the two temple cleansing incidents, these were brackets to His ministry.

Ritual was as dissatisfying to Him as it is to us.

Ritual touches the mind, but relationship fills the heart.

Jesus is a gentlemen.

He kindly knocks on the door of our heart, only to present us a gift - Himself.

Because of His glorious mercy and grace Jesus will come and stand knocking upon our locked heart, eagerly anticipating that He will be permitted accommodation.

But, don't forget, not only is His knocking finite BUT we are the only ones who can turn the door handle.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"The mark of the big man is how he treats the little man." ~ anon

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