Soldiers of the Deep

On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: `I desire mercy, not sacrifice. ' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Matthew 9:12-13)

Picture your city, town or village - none are without their poor. Picture them huddled under too small awnings. unable to avoid the large splashes of winter downpours...

Rallying to Heaven's call are troupes of rag-tag ne'er-do-wells.

Men are blind to them. But - the good Lord is not. Every moment of every day He scans this planet seeking those whose hearts cry out to Him.

He sees their dishonor and feels their rejection, for this too He is bathed in every moment of every day.

He also 'bleeds' the disdain that hangs as low hovering clouds over these poor vagrants.

He witnesses the shame each receive when another passer-by casts their eyes away, pretending not to see these victims of a loveless world.

He reads the newspaper shoved down their dirt torn shirts and jackets to stave away the cold.

The Father battles His own inner tears as He witnesses the tears of their hearts.

The Father records the unspoken laments that pierce their souls, no tear falls unrecorded.

The Father reaches out and lightly touches their heart, for He knows these are earth's soldiers of the deep.

Men and women of rejection, hardships and poverty can see the Lord more plainly. This clarity is not obscured by the ambition, baubles and glitter that readily strangle and steal the hearts of mankind, blinding his eyes.

It is the inner-most wars that each man must win, but do rejoice if you are one of mankind's unchosen, for heartaches are the richest earthly soils of eternity.

The Lord is forever pleased to love those the world won't.

Decreased awareness from men means increased awareness from Heaven; for the lost, the least, the last and the lonely belong to Him.

He makes the ignoble noble.

Today's Soul Snippet:

'It is in life's storms men are formed.' ~ Michael Cartwright