Of Accidental Birth

Soul Snack 20/13 ... Of Accidental Birth

Too many people just live in the shadows of love or the wilderness of rejection.

Have you ever dwelt in the Biblical genealogies (e.g. Matthew 1)? Tried to make more sense of them than a dull list of no-names that lived in what feels like pre-history?

These genealogies read like historical conversations I overhear on public buses between bouncing grannies as they reflect (for good or ill) upon their families.

Why are these genealogies in Scripture? They too must be inspired because Scripture is inspired? They sure don't feel as if they are inspired, more just like transpired!

These lists of names demonstrate that God has always planned with an end in mind. They are historical proofs of a sovereign God's human handiworks. These lists may be dull but they prove that all lives are deliberate, wanted and purposeful.

No-one now is etched into a Biblical list, few are recorded in history past the wear rate of a headstone but there is no soul, no spirit, no body who was an accident to both man and God.

God's planning, His gray and boring lists of genealogies are living proof that He still purposed, wanted and loved you. Your birth has always been upon His hands.

Your birth is no more an accident than the sun rising each morning.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Ps 139:16)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Sometimes," said Pooh, "the smallest things take up the most room in your heart" ~ Winnie the Pooh

ENJOY this similar SoulSnack ... the second one ever written - Children of Choice