Costly Salvation

Soul Snack 97/13 ... Costly Salvation

Will ye also go away? - John 6:67

As recorded in the sixth chapter of John, Jesus lost His crowd. And if today we really faced the impact of that sermon He preached on the Bread of Life would not most of us say, “This is an hard saying: who can hear it?” Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.” How many, think you, of our present comfortable churchgoers are ready for that?

The appropriation of Christ our Life by faith – what strange doctrine that is to the average soul! Men follow for loaves and fishes, but they walk out on Him when they discover what He really means. This sort of preaching still will thin out congregations. “This is a hard saying” – we will go elsewhere and hear book reviews.

“Christ our Life” – preach that and you will lose the crowd, but you will have the minimum who say with Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the Living God.” ~ (anon)

The hard words of Christ are the truths of life. Turn you back on them to your peril - face towards them for your preservation.

Christ's words are your life-guard, your safety-net and your security surveillance. They are your canopy for each venture and His sentinel for your relationships.

Christ's claims are not to be dallied with or His death diluted. There is heaven and hell, right and wrong, truth and deceit.

Count the cost of salvation. There is no such thing as easy-believism, couch potato faith or soft-serve Christianity, for nail-pierced hands tell no lies.

It is so very difficult to follow Jesus, but it is far more dangerous not to.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Prayer is the conduit for both humility and help.

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