Learning Love

Soul Snack 53/13 ... Learning Love

For those whom love has lost...

For those who live in love's absence...

For those whom love has always eluded...

For those who can no more define love than hold it...

For those who feel guilt they don't love as God requires...

For those who enquire with longing and sorrow - what is love all about?

The hearts wrested without love are unable to give what they don't have or explain what they don't know. Love has to be far more than a repeated aching within the soul or a frequent sparkle of the eye.

This definition of human love sounds delightful ~ love is gazing into another's eyes and seeing their heart, but how could those from whom love is absent even grasp this?

How could a loving God hold the earthly unloved accountable for not being loving?

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  (1 Jn 4:7)

Surely this is the definition of love that a stooped Jesus demonstrated at the filthy feet of Judas...

love is a mind decided, spirit inspired, heart submitted decision to deny self and treat another well regardless of their responses to you.

The measure of Christ in our lives is still living love.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Love can no more be contained than water can be compressed.