Life's Poker Machines

Soul Snack 104/11 ... Life's Poker Machines

A sun-drenched afternoon revealed his thinning hair. As he reminisced across our boundary fence his face became graven and his mood turned to lament.

Having entered retirement his poverty of spirit was matched by his poverty of pocket. He recounted his foolishness at poker machines. He had worked hard and earned much, but had lost so much more. Poker machines truly are bandits.

There are countless poker machines in life too. A poker machine demands a devotion without a fair return. These demands can never be satisfied. Life's poker machines do not multiply goodness to the user or to others. They do not leave a helpful a legacy - yet life's poker machines command very significant volumes of time. My neighbour had been robbed of much more than just money.

I must reflect, is TV one of life's poker machines? It invites great devotion; it leaves no quality legacy and like the grave is never satisfied. It robs relationships and hides talents from use.

When Jesus does return will He find you devoting yourself to life's poker machines or investing in the talents He has given you?

Your greatest devotion is always demonstrated by what gains your greatest attention.

Ignore life's poker machines; prevent the theft of your life today and your future tomorrow. Use your talents well today for they will give both you and many a good tomorrow.

His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' (Matt 25:21)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"B.I.B.L.E. = Best Information Before Leaving Earth". anon