
Soul Snack 132/11 ... A green God?

Could God be green?

Othello saw Shakespeare multiply a green jealousy to an English world with his green-eyed monster.

There is an old saying green with envy - could this ever be a fair description of God?

There is a jealous God who is as jealous for His own as a groom is for his bride and the bride for the groom.

Jealousy brooks no competitors, is injured by the person's absence or rejection but refuses to release the object of its affections. This is how God feels about those who belong to Him.

He calls, invites and commands His own. His presence is for their joy and delight. He is correctly jealous for their attention. It is only healthy to be jealous for those who belong to you.

Too frequently these days relationships are severed and people lost from relationships of belonging. This is divorce in one shape or another.

Sin divorced this world from God and sin still divorces those who belong together.

Be as jealous for the attention of those who belong to you as God is jealous for your attention.

There are times when it is OK even necessary to be green.

Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. (Ex 34:14)

Today's Soul Snippet:

Even in my sinfulness God looks upon me in pity. Ez 20:17