An Extravagant Love - B

Soul Snack 128/10 ... An Extravagant Love - B

Jesus' address to you from His seat of grace, beaming with pleasure toward you would continue to read something like this I am sure ...


"The depth of my love took me to the cross for you,

The value of your being raised me from the dead,

i have never withheld myself from you - nor shall I ever consider this.


In tears I have bled for you and shared your sadness,

In travail of soul I will always care for you,

I am yours and you belong to me.


I still gaze upon you with self-giving love,

I glow as you come and kneel before me,

I just so delight in your presence.


COME TO ME NOW - PLEASE!" ... Jesus the Christ.

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. (Jn 6:37)

ENJOY another Soul Snack:%page_flip%