Rotten Rebukes?

Soul Snack 8/198 ... Rotten Rebukes?

An invisible flinch perforated her entire being as gentle precision chosen words were spoken to her. No malice in this conversation and no ill will received. Yet some-how there was a stab beyond words that pierced deep into her spirit, words she quietly knew were true. (Hebs 4:12-13)

These soft words of care did not caress, nor were they balm. But, they would heal her and deliver health.

In recesses available to no surgeon, these words performed their life giving surgery. The scalpel of truth excising pain with more pain, for that is how surgery works! Yet the new pain would heal. The previous pain had been permanent. Scars will abide, the pain will flee.

This loving Father wants to pour His goodness into my life. He wants to remove the cancers that hurt. He does not withhold from me, but gives to me. When the Throne of Grace rebukes, I would be most foolish to resist. (John 16:8)

His rebuke is His hand of grace extended kindly and lovingly out to me. His benevolence is so that I will draw close to Him. His rebukes are for OUR relationship. Rebukes may sting, but soon I'll 'sing'.

The sequential healthy path that His rebukes place me on is:

  • I receive the rebuke,
  • I respond in humility and maybe brokenness (my pride must always be first dealt with),
  • then I am brought to my knees in repentance,
  • forgiveness delivers freedom, so
  • finally I am free to embark on a renewed quest for righteousness that seeks God.

(Remember, God does not dwell on blame, so neither should I!)

In rebuke God actually invites me even closer to relationship. ( Remember: it is far more difficult for God to remove my burdens if I am drawing away from Him.)

The divine recipe:

Rebuke + repentance = repair/restoration


 If you had responded to my rebuke,
       I would have poured out my heart to you
       and made my thoughts known to you. If you had responded to my rebuke,
       I would have poured out my heart to you
       and made my thoughts known to you. Prov 1:23

Rotten rebukes .. no such thing!

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