Stairway to Heaven

Soul Snack 152/14 ... What is your heartbeat?

What dawdles through your mind as warm feet hit a cool floor each morning? 

Where do your idle thoughts fly each day during moments of silence or inactivity?

As your head slams the pillow nightly what does your soul rest with?

Could your thinking be stepping upon heaven's staircase?

The closer you are to Jesus, the less space available for distractions to move in-between.

Christianity is choosing to amend life and navigate against the current, it is the march to a heavenly self-death.

Christian's are to be glaringly counter-cultural. Remember - God operates in opposites.

Christianity is:

  • separation from the world while still being in it
  • being light when all else is dark
  • purity when the only invitation in your mailbox has impurity named as its sender
  • devotion in the body, for how the body is used is of utmost importance to God. The body is to be an instrument of holiness; it is the temple of His Holy Spirit.

Who will reckon that there is no resurrection if there is not first self-death?

Very truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. (John 12:24)

It is only the walking self-dead who climb heaven's stairway.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Activism at church contributes precious little to the soul.

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The Roots & Nature of Spiritual Authority  SEMINAR 2 ~ August 17th