A Christmas Tale of Two Princes

Eager children forage for their name on a random tags below Christmas trees worldwide. Their minds consumed with anticipation. Such tireless efforts are based on the strong knowledge that Christmas is about receiving very good things for free. Even toddlers are fully aware of the joy nearby them, but not everybody is...

When King Herod heard this (Jesus' birth) he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. (Matthew 2:3)

To many that first Christmas brought great distress. An entire city was troubled!

Hmmm ... maybe they just did not get it!

Hmmm ... they did not understand the rule of peace and righteousness is better!

Babies are not intended to bring distress. They are a blessing to happiness. Some however at Jesus' birth - Magi, shepherds and angels did find exceeding joy!

Through that first Christmas the rule of the prince of the air (satan) was shattered by the birth of the Prince of Peace.

Disturbingly King Herod modelled how to be wrong at Christmas. Those who do not understand, or do not want to understand will miss out! 

Distress because of Christmas should never happen.

NOTE - this world now amplifies the distress at Christmas, finding offense in Christ's name and so dropping Him out of His birthday celebrations.

Remember, Christmas is receiving the very best for free ...

For from Bethlehem - peace, joy, humility, mercy, grace, forgiveness and salvation are established as the new ruler's gifts to the world.

NOTE - not one of these gifts are available from the prince of the air.

The prince of the air is still homeless, but Jesus at least had a manger and now has a throne.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt." ~ Abraham Lincoln

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