The Purposes of God's Promises

A judgement described as burning coals falls upon those who belong to the Lord, yet conform to the ways of the nations. (See Ezekiel 10:2)

The purpose of God's promises to His people is that they share in His nature (tasting heaven upon earth, holiness), and so escape the corruptions in this world fed by evil desire. (See 2 Peter 1:4)

God's sure promises, His great promises, His precious promises are there to sustain us, hold us strong and free us from the wickedness of the world.

The purpose of the promises is to douse the desire for evil. They protect.

Hold on to the promises without flinching when evil entices, storms rage and life melts as butter in the sun. It is sure to those who stand firm, steadfast and strong that:

that the end state will always better the present one.

Those who hold God's promises firm are free from judgement, and all the worsening heartaches that any yield to the world and its false comforts deliver.

His promises will direct you where you walk, protect you when you sleep and whisper to you in time of need. Lay hold to all of them.

...whatever I say will be fulfilled says the Lord. (Ezekiel 12:28c)

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Anyone who claims that the age of miracles is past denies the need, the privileges and the benefits of prayer.' ~ T. L. Osborn

ENJOY too 9 Precious Promises and 4 Promises to Outcasts

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