The Shortest History of Grace - EVER! ~ Part A

There are four events that have forever changed mankind's history. They usher in fresh seasons of grace for all who are willing to receive.

Grace has always been present, since the creation of Eden - it has just been largely unseen. 

Four shafts of grace have splintered the spiritual darkness across planet earth.

The first two are:

  • 0/33 AD - the descent of God in Jesus to a world in darkness; the only salvation of mankind. This was the most undeserved rescue mission ever appointed. BUT the earth still did not change. The rules of earth, the fixed laws of the heavens still apply to this day; the coming of Christ did not suspend them. However, there is now a bright shaft of light permanently shining as a laser upon earth, it is called 'grace'.
  • 325 AD - Constantine, emperor of Rome becomes a Christian. Constantine reverses the status of Christianity - it now becomes legal. Grace is no longer impeded by law. God has released grace from man's shackles and is free to flow worldwide. No longer is it illegal to be a Christian, the Christian faith can now be safely welcomed by the masses. This is the second shaft of a grace light piercing world history. (The final two events are discussed in Part - B... click here) 

"Look for grace, it shines everywhere."

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Today's Soul Snippet:

"The difference between a proud person and a humble one is the torturous work of grace." ~ Michael Cartwright

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