Lifting Straws

Soul Snack 29/14 ... Renowned for a raucous silliness, the comedian Phyllis Diller could also surprize with humor cloaked wisdom, such as:

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

Smiles are really credits to the soul, while frowns are debits.

All people are finite. Endurance has its limits. There is an old Arab proverb that expresses this well ~ there is a straw that will break the camel's back. When the load finally becomes too great, no matter how small the final addition, the camel collapses.

The emotional health of life ebbs and flows around the deposit of credits, and the subtraction of debits.

Credits arrive in meager or copious doses, exactly as the debits do.

Affirmations, warm handshakes, or even achieved goals are strengthening.

Accusations, disapproval or failure are similarly debilitating.

Many credits are the conduit of joy, while many debits are the purveyor of depression.

It is usually out of what we give that we receive, BUT it is only out of what we receive that we can give.

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven – as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little (Luke 7:47)

Choose today to straighten another's load, and with a smile (or two) lift a straw from their back - that they too may then give.

Today's Soul Snippet:

Jesus' second appearance is not for the bearing of sin, but the bringing of salvation.

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