5 Hints @ Humility

I pen this as a rampant outsider that trusts maybe, that's right just maybe, the good Lord may introduce me some day to be an insider.

He who threw away the Crown of Glory for a crown of thorns, exchanged heaven for earth and the throne for a cross - He is the one who can teach me humility.

If I may...

  1. Plumbing the depth of grace is only possible to the humbled.
  2. Humility is becoming what you have despised and realising that you were wrong.
  3. When you know you have reached humility you have haven't.
  4. Humility is willingly serving those who want to be seen by still ensuring you remain unseen.
  5. It is highly unlikely that you will ever meet a humble person, for humility is never put on show.

I want Jesus close to me, I thirst to be close to Him but despite popular opinion, pride and achievement are not the paths:

‘These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word. (Isaiah 66:2)

Aim to be humble for this is truly desiring to meet the High.

Today's Soul Snippet:

"The precious gift of brokenness is a humble and contrite spirit." ~ Michael Cartwright

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