Category: Encouragement

Dreaming of Peace?

Dreaming of Peace?

When giants arise, so too stress. Mental tension marches up and down the avenues of the mind at increasing speed.

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The holy Scriptures sing many songs to anoint all of mankind. But, very few seek such affirmation.

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Almighty is God's hand...

Almighty is God's hand...

"I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. " (Isaiah 41:10)Charles Spurgeon inspires: Fear of falling is wholesome. To be venturesome is no sign of wisdom.

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Uncluttered Joy

Uncluttered Joy

Be holy as I AM holy. (Leviticus 11:44) This command is strong. And, not to be diluted.         Holiness is the call of truth and virtue.

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The Bible's 2 Best Verses?

The Bible's 2 Best Verses?

Blessed are those who endure through faith the heartaches and hardships of this life. . . Blessed are those who do not depart the Lord's presence despite persecutions. .

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The Covid Flux

The Covid Flux

As this week ends I am reminded of the good Lord’s eternal faithfulness and righteousness. He is seated upon a throne supported by the legs of righteousness and justice.

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The Lake of Forgetfulness

The Lake of Forgetfulness

The loving and merciful God, abundant in grace, has one trait the wise will follow - FORGETFULNESS! I imagine an endless lake. It is signposted The Lake of Forgetfulness.

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Just As I Am!#

Just As I Am!#

September 22, 1871 witnessed an elderly British lady, 82 years young, ushered into her heavenly reward.

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Adoption VS Slavery - 18 Differences

Adoption VS Slavery - 18 Differences

For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15)Each...

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Named by Jesus!

Named by Jesus!

Any Christian disciple carries Jesus' name. This is observed far more in the heavenlies than it is upon earth.

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My Image Carries My Beauty!

My Image Carries My Beauty!

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. (Psalm 19:1) A gardener's eyes and thoughts wandered past his freshly trimmed hedge.

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Surrounded by Songs of Deliverance

Surrounded by Songs of Deliverance

Mindful of his utter dependence upon the good Lord, King David gazes with faith illumined confidence to his innermost place, he records three truths: You are my hiding place; you will...

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Instinctive Faith

Instinctive Faith

Where reason cannot wade, there faith may swim. ~ Thomas Watson Sudden storms demand that consuming enemy of faith - fear.

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The Authentic Shepherd

The Authentic Shepherd

Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.

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To Brighten Your Days

To Brighten Your Days

The Bible's intent is to explain righteous living. Its desire is to build mankind up, breathing pure oxygen into his soul.

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The Music of Emmaus

The Music of Emmaus

It was Easter day. As two disciples walked to Emmaus from Jerusalem, their hearts burned within them, for Jesus too shared their journey.

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No Replacing True Friends#

No Replacing True Friends#

Hard times will always reveal true friends. ~ anon In 1977, a group of teenagers gathered to form a band. Their names were Rick, Pete, Tony and Joe.

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It is our darkness that frightens us most. This is a mental testing. Too many reminders flood the soul with inadequacy, that sense of self-worthlessness and deficiency.

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Waited Long?

Waited Long?

Long have I wandered in God's word. His trails and tracks with its vistas and views always reach into my soul. Often my wandering opens my wondering.

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Let Me feel Hope - Please?

Let Me feel Hope - Please?

Too many, too long have lived at hell's doors. Visiting the vestibule of hell is surely a metaphor to living without hope. For, hell holds no hope.

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There Is No Easy Space

There Is No Easy Space

No easy space exists for those who would bear Christ's cross, surrender their will and audit their life in obedience to Him who was faithful unto death.

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That Day to Trust

That Day to Trust

When the day breaks as bleak as the night was lonely. . . When rest flees and health holds its hand. . .

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The Pot that Wept#

The Pot that Wept#

This anonymous tale of two clay pots has raised hearts and bandaged wounds for countless generations in various forms - for: it is from poverty of spirit that the kingdom of...

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The Hose of Desire

The Hose of Desire

Ambition and righteousness are not bed partners.   Confession time. . . I find it far too easy to pursue godliness ambitiously, for personal gain.

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5 Verses to Agree With

5 Verses to Agree With

The Book of Psalms has always held a purple place in first Jews' and then Christians' hearts. The Psalms carry many of the most popular Bible verses.

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The Impossibility of Scripting Life

The Impossibility of Scripting Life

Boxing imitates life (or death). That great scholar Iron Mike Tyson completely and unwittingly summarised death's experience well when he reflected: everybody got plans until they get hit.

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But God is a good Father too...#

But God is a good Father too...#

Maybe our Heavenly Father has been misrepresented to you? Is your soul tauntedd by a picture of a parent waiving a finger at a departing child? The parent leaves God in...

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Preventing Life's Saddle-Sores

Preventing Life's Saddle-Sores

For the saddle-sore, those who are too well chafed by life: Satan wants you to: canvas your life in a pained recall and witness any persistent darkness, that you then curl your...

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3 Rear Vision Lessons

3 Rear Vision Lessons

Life has been (is?) carnage! You've been (are?) cannoned like a billiard ball and careened against hardened cushions by a blunt instrument others keep belting you with.

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The Anticlimax Ache

The Anticlimax Ache

Soul Snack 154/14 . . . Anticipation lies! Two decades ago a brisk wind whistled around my helmet as I twisted the throttle of my new bike.

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Signed by God


Soul Snack 200/11 . . . Signed by God Father, most of the time I don't consider myself much of a prize.

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Heaven's honey


Soul Snack 169/10 . . . Heaven's honey God's love for you and His choice of you constitute your worth.

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Hard to believe?


Soul Snack 9/91 . . . Hard to believe? My delightful nineteen year old princess bought a new skirt most recently.

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Clouds to the Cosmos


Soul Snack - S1 . . . Clouds to the Cosmos Convincing and sufficient proof were found in forty days of witness and fellowship.

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Soul Snack 8/170 . . . Belonging Community is usually at the heart of a healthy heart.

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'I'm framed!'


Soul Snack S11. . . 'I'm framed!' A verdant sloping pasture-land gracefully fell into a luscious “V” of a small valley.

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Life's Links


Soul Snack 8/73 . . . Life's Links! Canvassing the globe, every second of every day is the opportunity for good or evil.

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Opening Heaven


Soul Snack 8/42 . . . Opening Heaven This God has deliberately and generously presented Himself to Israel. This is unique and unheard of in the Ancient Near East.

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Delighting God


Soul Snack 8/22 . . . Delighting God Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule. . .

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Marriage Mayhem


Soul Snack 86 . . . Marriage Mayhem 'The master of the banquet had tasted the water that had turned into wine. . .

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The WOW factor!


SOUL SNACK S16/12 … The WOW factor! To the refuse, the rejected, the rotten and the forgotten of this world . . .

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