Our minds dance around the delights of the eyes, or spend the lottery win before it is ever drawn. And so our soul only rolls further into restlessness. Harmony becomes as impossible as that lotto win.

Seventeen truths to regather contentment:

  1. When the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
  2. The eyes can never get their fill.
  3. Can a man gain contentment if he scours his wallet for peace?
  4. Wealth without peace is at best hollow, even destructive.
  5. Peace without wealth satisfies and sustains.
  6. Wealth finds no peace and satisfaction eludes, for it always begs for more.
  7. Wealth is a thief to peace, as peace is a companion to contentment.
  8. There is much gain to the soul that seeks little gain.
  9. As our days and wealth are finite, seek peace for this is infinite.
  10. Of strivings there are no ends, thus contentment flees.
  11. He who has faith, health and generosity of spirit holds a wealth without measure, unmatched by the vaults of kings.
  12. Where there is wealth there are handcuffs, when there is contentment there are none.
  13. Better a moth eaten wallet than a king without peace.
  14. Decisions and judgements measured by profit alone are entrapments.
  15. Wealth is a handmaiden to distress and a mistress to despair.
  16. Contentment is reduced by wealth as wealth grows, yet it rises in the shade of simplicity.
  17. Be thankful for the little you have, for this is far greater than dwelling in mansions, or fine dining with this world's captains.

When questioned on progress and striving Abba Poemen replied:

A man who stays in his place in life will not be troubled. 

Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to Your word. (Psalm 119:37)

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Shepherds are carers of the flock, not legislators for the flock.' ~ Michael Cartwright

ENJOY too ~ Mongolia Leads The Way