A Halloween Wonderland

Bursting across the west annually is an ever larger and glittering bubble of Halloween. Its shadow lengthens.

Halloween lingers lonely nearby each year's end. Its hollow intent is at least to dull Christmas. But, its brightly masked darkness runs far deeper.

Why would Christians honor the serpent of Eden (the dragon of Revelation) by sharing in (honoring) his Halloween celebrations?

Why would Christians permit their children to be caught up by its binding and blinding?

Why would we give our children the gifts of a darkness wonderland if these gifts had not been first shielded by deceitful light?

Halloween is:

  • an agent of hostile darkness disguised as wonderland of innocent light,
  • the world ignoring Christ to celebrate satan, bringing satan ignorant praise, and
  • a roaring lion wearing the mantle of a passive lamb.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

With little spiritual discernment Christians have bought satan's lies as wholeheartedly as the world. They too now call evil good, and that which is harmful as harmless.

It is no Wonderland at all, despite Halloween's glamor.

At Halloween the Lord of Light is slighted while the lord of darkness is celebrated.

Do not be deceived - the evil one is actively seeking only worship for himself.

Halloween has become a strikingly sanitary (and therefore enduring) presentation of darkness.

Halloween is the season when evil wears a party mask.

The Last Word:

Events of October 31 each year beckon the Christian to exercise spiritual discernment rather than worldly acquiescence. 

ENJOY: The truthful history of Halloween in Making Sense of Halloween