Pray this...?

Never doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light. ~ Neil Anderson

Loving Father,

Help me to fight the good fight.

When I ask – why me? Remind me that I am Yours. 

Remind me when I accepted Jesus, I also accepted the loving plan You blessed me with – with all its triumphs and also its challenges.

When I am dismayed at the powers of darkness that surround, help me to shine, and not to absorb.

When the time comes to take that stand for You; help me remember that whilst I was still a sinner, Jesus died a lonely, horrible death for me.

When the time arrives that all my energy is sapped, help me recall You have carried me on Your shoulders that I never saw.

Help me to fight the good fight, especially when the battle accelerates on the inside where none can ever see.

In Jesus' perfect name, Amen.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
(1 Timothy 6:12)

Battles are won on the knees, well before they are ever won on the feet.

Today's Soul Snippet:

The giant before you is not greater than the God behind you.