God's Path

Soul Snack 8/133 ... God's Path

The season we call life is marked indelibly by the path that we walk to the eternal. A path of both choice and chance. The path may not be as clear as we would desire, or as flat as we would hope for. This path is marked by both truth and deception, righteousness and robbery.

Our pathway to God winds through a field where golden wheat and poisonous weeds grow together and oft times even looking identical.

Jesus spoke of paths. He walked paths. He understood and  taught their significance. A path is not only a place for traveling but a vehicle for receiving.

Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path ... " Matt 13:3-4

Michael Leunig offers this little and somewhat deep prayer to help us walk this path:

‘Dear God,
The path to your door
Is the path within:
Is made with friends,
Is lined with flowers,
Is lined with thorns,
Is stained by wine,
Is lit by the lamp of sorrowful dreams:
Is washed with joy,
Is swept by grief,
Is blessed by the lonely traffic of art:
Is known by heart,
Is known by prayer,
Is lost and found,
Is always surprising,
The path to your door.

The path to heaven is the path of hope. To walk, to wind and to wander in life is to canvas the opportunities that would lead us to and then keep us with Christ.

(Again many thanks to Father Ronan Kilgannon for both inspiration and material used in this Snack.)