Recently I had the honor to sit with an elderly gent, he was well past his three score years and ten. He opened his heart.

He explained a life of hardship and troubles that were not of poor choices.

He held no malice or bitterness, none at all.

He taught me, and fed my soul!

Tearing up he explained from deep within his heart:

the first thing I shall say to Jesus when I meet Him face to face is - THANK YOU JESUS FOR ALWAYS STANDING BESIDE ME.

Jesus stands beside us, sadly He can remain unnoticed with ease.

Jesus stands close in the fires of Babylon. He does not quench the fire. (Daniel 3)

Jesus closes the mouths of those who would devour us. He does not remove the lions. (Daniel 6)

Jesus sees us in storms, and approaches us in same the storm to save us. He first calls to us that we may look to Him. (Matthew 14:22-36)

Jesus walks besides us when we are downcast, and comforts us. It is simple to be blind to Him until we invite Jesus into our home. (Luke 24:13-35)

... and surely I am with you always until the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:30b)

Jesus does not tell lies, neither did the elderly gent who opened his heart!

Today's Soul Snippet:

'Trust God even when the pieces don't seem to fit.' ~ John Hercus