A Prayer for Community#

'Cultures of gratitude must also be cultures of reciprocity'. ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer

Should not our Christian culture of forgiveness hold the absolute greatest gratitude?

Therefore should it not also be passed on?

Father, Lord of all creation, lover of man and He who gives all life, please help us to love in the small pocket of Your universe in which You have placed us - may we each act with Your righteousness by being Your witness in our community to the infinite love that is Your fabric. AMEN

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)

Find some way in which you can join in the life that is greater than your own. ~ Richard Rohr

Today's Soul Snippet:

'We are essentially social beings, and I am only one part of the reflection of the great mystery of God.' ~ Richard Rohr

#Today's SoulSnack is inspired by Richard Rohr and some material edited by SoulSupply that he wrote.

##The quoting of Richard Rohr is not an endorsement of his theology by SoulSupply.