Circumstantial Claims

Soul Snack 101 ... Circumstantial Claims


"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." Phil 1:17

Silence is the refuge of the downtrodden. Timidity is sourced in injustice. Uninvited emotions storm through doors of despair. Poor circumstances can easily breed equally poor behaviour.


The spirit (now wounded), is so often driven by injustice, humiliation and poor judgements towards action, especially incorrect action.

When emotion recedes, the Holy Spirit can rise. Thoughts clear and correct behaviour becomes obvious. God's directions intersect this human will. God's economy knows no partner that would dis-credit His Son. There is to be no space in man's activity that dis-honours Him.

Tragic and difficult circumstances can never overrule the correct and perfect claims of Christ.

Kingdom claims will always be superior to claims of personal well being or even justice. The cross, that ignoble and timeless symbol of injustice screams mercy to perpetrators. The paths of righteousness, the only paths to tread.

My will, my worries and my world do not drive me. Christ claims all my circumstances for exemplary conduct. My good conduct can never hurt me more than Christ's good conduct hurt Him.