Rest Repair

Soul Snack 8/192 ... Rest Repair

Collapsed from a heat induced fatigue, her body lay motionless on the very disordered sheets. Her limbs numb,  her mind achingly inattentive to her plight.

Colours of fear and images of terror instantly arouse this near comatose body. Darkness explodes out of an abyss, spewing snakes and scorpions that claw vividly at her mind, and menace her entire well being.

Urgently she searches the recesses of her mind - desperately seeking answers to dispel her abyss of anguish and torment, still most violently active before her eyes.

No answers are found. Empty, void of explanation and sense to this nightmare her head returns instinctively to her pillow, inducing yet another rest-robbing encounter with evil.

Evil pursues the mind as much as it pursues the body. The dark forces of satan seek mind control, for then they have my worship as well as myself. What controls my mind controls me.

To be robbed of rest is very real, but a thief can be stopped.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Phil 4:8

Dwelling on the good repels and releases evil, it gives evil no access to me. Healthy thinking permits satan one less foothold in my life whereby he can harm me. Removing resentments and following forgiveness are evil erradicators and freedom forgers.

'...ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls...' Jer 6:16b

Rest is found in regular relationship with Him. Rest repair is received through this right relationship. In His relationship there is healing that is rest-oration! Rest is His eternal intention for me, for He lives in the place of rest and invites me too. Jesus is the landlord of rest.

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing ...  I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Jer 33:6

(ps .. serious horrific disturbance such as described above may also require skilled prayer intervention for rest to be achieved.)

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